Wind turbines are the beacons of the energy revolution

However, aside from These ideals, they are actually a really sizeable Investment that has to be planned reliably and managed cost-effectively. The IFE Group will be glad to help you with this. For more than 25 years, we have worked as full service providers in the area of renewable energy produced by wind turbines. Our national and international customers include power supply companies, instiutional Investors, and many other sector players.

Our services

Planning & Consulting

Careful planning will guarantee the success of your wind power project. IFE will support you in the process from the very first study of potential, in Project Management, Right through to supervision in the construction phase…

Operation Management

Efficient operation management will optimise the cost-effectiveness of your wind farm. It’s all about implementing the various, ever more demanding conditions of grid operators, direct sellers and authorities…    

Surveys & Expert reports

Does your wind turbine stand tall in the wind? IFE inspections, surveys and expert reports, independent of manufactures, provide in-depth answers to this questions.